Saturday, August 11, 2007

At Bunga's

Picked up S. and D. at Workcoeman today - then went over to the house, to say goodbye. It was sad for S., the rest of the guys were more ambivalent. Had lunch with the in-laws and then went over to their house for a while, was hard watching C. say goodbye.

We are at Bunga and Umpa's house - had Stew (mmmm) and the guys are running around. Tomorrow morning C. will go get the cat and we will head for the airport to touch off at 12:05.

Next week - Sunday PM, deliver cat to new house, Monday the truck with our stuff arrives and Cindy's Truck shows up Thursday-ish.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Hey bro!
It is tough but know everyone will survive...and possibly thrive after all the moving, goodbying and crying is done.
We love you guys from afar!