So Saturday was our excursion - which for my money started rather early, 8am. We were to walk off the boat, to another ferry which would take us to the mainland, to a bus which would take us to Tulum - a oceanside Mayan ruin. Was annoyed by another nickel and dime "water for sale" station on the boat. Everyone there sells bottled water. It ride was uneventful - the shore side town was a bunch of new condo's, then your average poorer scenery. The guide really knew his stuff, first stop was a new concrete building were they sold obsidian (which was the topic of the guide at that point). Then we went off to the national park, with a bunch of single story flea market layout in front, and a mile walk up to the gate of the park itself. It was cool - that guide was sharp - and understood his audience.
Over there? There's a fish? |
Someone really wanted to say we'd been in the Caribbean, even though the reality of our glasses had precluded us going snorkeling.
We did some shopping there, and being dehydrated had the most potent margerita EVER! And $2 corona's - the ride was a bit blurry, but it passed and we shopped more at the duty free mall.
C.'s favorite part of the cruise was this, every day:
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