Saturday, November 5, 2011

Power Returns

Have a stack of branches in the front yard the size of the Truck, and in the back yard, twice as big.  But after a week - the power is back on at our house.  That big wire that runs past the house to the pole next to the garage held the pole on the corner of Munson St. up.  The top was snapped, and it pulled the top of our mast loose.  We spent a week of no school (or college) and my new office got power and opened Wed.  Spent our days feeding the fireplace, and going out in the evening to the RV for some warmth, and a movie or some cards.  C. had enough by Wed night though - and when my in-laws house had their power restored - we went there.  She was happy to be with her Mom, watching TV and sitting around the table after dinner.

This morning, as I drove by to get my car at my house (their driveway is kind of small) - I notice the pole on Munson had a 2x4 on top and the lead to my house was back tight again.  They'll need to replace the pole, but they bought some time.

The town will pick up the downed branches on/after Nov. 21 - so we need to move the big pile out to the front yard.  Need to get raking as well.  And figure out if CL&P will reattach my mast ...

C. and N. are at the Battleship (USS Massachusetts).  I've been 3 or 4 times and with the chance to earn back a benefit day (otherwise Mon/Tues would have cost me two vacation days) - the perils of working for a small company. D. ran off to JP's to talk minecraft...and S. is off Bowling.  He worked most of the week as well (His mgr seems to no when College is cancelled, and expects Steve every time).  He's enjoying TUConn - and having a car.  Was signing up for next semester already, how quickly the new and scary becomes old hat.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the year Halloween got eaten by Christmas

So we've been weathering, the weather.  A surprise snowstorm blanketed the Northeast, and since our trees still had leaves, they held most of the snow - and snapped the branches...We still have no power, or phone, or cable/internet.  Keeping a fire burning in the fireplace, and spending dinners in the RV.  We've been stacking branches, and getting the camper out to refill the gas tank today.  D.  and N. have no school until Friday - and my new job has been without power as well.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

And Afterword...

The Webeloree is over - we got to camp in People's State Forest, at Mattias Grove - It was a chilly weekend, and we were at the South end of the park, with the Boy Scouts were at the other - It was a 500 pace walk back and forth.  Pin's went well - and the water bottle rocket launchers were a Huge Success!  The Boy Scouts had a Big Potluck - food was very good, and the Campfire was good as well.  My favorite skit was performed, Banana/Bandana.

It was neat to be back leading a Scout function.  Felt ok, but I am out of practice for camping.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Webeloree and Camporee Weekend - will setup tomorrow night @ Peoples Forest, and other than the madness of registration, I'm looking forward to it.  Patches arrived today, the camper is packed (to serve as HQ).
Work is going well - I continue to adjust to working home.  It's not the home part - it's the permanent job part. I still think about the short term contractor mentality of needing to be immediately useful, to provide value.  Tough to unlearn, trusting the "deal" that there is an understanding of all the things I have to master. It is a very different environment, very non-corporate.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Eagle Weekend

Steve's Eagle Ceremony was Saturday at Bakerville Methodist.  It was good, I enjoyed the irony of Steve's big day being in Church, and having cake.  Dawn made a cool Merit Badge cake - and Troop 3 did their usual nice job.
Got my haircut at Cutting Corner on my way to Church on Sat.  little things do make me feel like I'm home it was good to see Cindy B. and catch up about Bakerville.
Have been going to PCF for a few weeks, Dave goes to youth group, and Nate to Sunday School.  Pastor Ryan  has been very good, It's nice to hear sincere, solid preaching.
Aventura went well - Dave did great, and it was odd to be back doing the skit with Amanda, and singing the special music.  Playing the opening/closing with Chris R. and Judy was really nice as well.

Working on the Webeloree for next weekend at Peoples Forest - Water Bottle launchers are here and tested, camper is ready as emergency vehicle...Of course at our stage of life - Steve will not be there until after his Sat. work - and Dave is triple booked...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

N. Starting Fall Soccer

Team is completely different, his buddies must have moved on to Travel.  Good Coach.

Monday, September 5, 2011

New Job - Starting...

Altek Electronics - IT Generalist, off Kennedy Drive opposite the Scout Office. New phase of life.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Job

Starting next Tuesday, I will be working in Torrington as the IT Generalist - for an unnamed electronics firm.  Will need to get network certified soon, and then SQL certified, then who knows.

So how do I step back into a life I left 5 years ago - I was asked to prayerfully consider being on team this fall, and will go to Roundtable tonight.  Is our church still the place for us? And what about the rest of the changes we go through, S. starts college tomorrow - D. is probably SPL this fall and his practice rollo went very well. N - is adjusting to "the rules" coming back.

It may be a huge adjustment income-wise but we'll see.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Great News...

That local company finished their interviews - and FINALLY called me today, I was beginning to doubt I'd ever be able to work at home.  I go in Monday (assuming the building is still standing) to discuss an offer...Am reading up on MS Access and SQL Express now.  Job looks very, very doable - a few more days of worry, and I will be able to say I'm home.

I wonder what life adjustments are in store for me and mine - when we're all home.

Praise God...

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Made it to church this morning, felt unconnected - worship music, sermon...ehh - Pastor had us come up to pray for Kevin and his family as they go tomorrow. At that moment I felt for Cami - the unrelenting tide of goodbyes, the reality that the next family event we all gather for could be a marriage, since it will be 5 years.
The church picnic was about 30 odd people - at Linda Hull's down in the valley below town hill in New Hartford, beautiful day at the beginning - with thunderclouds rolling in as we took off toKevin do our round of Frisbee golf in Bristol.  We got in about four holes (baskets?) and it started pouring as well. Oh, well - off to Woods Pit for BBQ with our exchange students...

Traveling mercies to my brother Kevin and his family as they return home to Moz - and to Tituane and Karatine as they return to France.  Keep the bright and sunny Jody in your prayers tomorrow, as she's having a melanoma removed.  Her calling makes it hard to hide from the sun, Afganistan, and now the UAE....

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Been home a week now - It's been generally great.  S.'s graduation party went off without a hitch.  Working on the car, since I never get the chance when it (and I) are out of town on a contract.

Had second interview with the local company, and it went great, I think!  Hope to hear something wonderful next week...If not the I will interview for contracts in Delaware, and maybe Houston or Minnesota.

Will celebrate Kevin's birthday this weekend. D. starts Aventura team meetings tomorrow.  Our Exchange students leave for home Monday, as does Kevin and his family - they return to Moz. for another 4-5 years.  It's been great having them here for the last year...

Will have a series of hard, but great adjustments if I'm home for good - and S. is looking for a decent first car - any leads?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Home for the weekend.

Had a good interview with a small electronics company (here in town!).  Think it went well, hopeful for a second interview.  And when I came home - my headhunter called, and my three month extension had been rejected by corporate. So I am not staying in Colorado into November, I will be driving home next week.  Quite a shock, I had been offered the extension a week and a half ago, and it seemed a done deal.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Was home last weekend - Took Umpa out on the Farmington River Sunday afternoon.  Picked up D. at Camp Workcoeman after a week of CIT, Kevin came back from Ohio, S. and I had N. in my canoe - I dislocated my left pinky as I put the canoe in the water, a little freaky but it snapped back in to place. Later, someone in my canoe was snapping branches back at me and I leaned over and feel out.  My youngest, who shall remain nameless, was a bit panicked when the canoe and he left me behind in the water.  But it was a good trip - nobody else got hurt, it was a good day.

D. is back at CW, this time with Troop 4, and he'll hear tomorrow if he is invited back to be staff.  S. is STILL looking for work, and half-heartedly looking for a car to drive to college.

Was offered the extension here in Colorado for another 3 months, with the possibility of a total of 2 years. That would the duration of getting rid of the Tandem here (Like NASDAQ, and Kohls)...I asked for the ability to work remotely as well (1/2 time) since they have others who do - but was turned down.  This is too far away, and too much to fly home - I will look for tickets for 8/11 tomorrow.  S. graduation party is that weekend.

Kevin wrote today as well - they're planning to go to Saranac, one of my favorite campsites on an island on Dog pond.  But it is scheduled for Monday - Thursday before I get back.  Hopefully the boys can go with Umpa, depending on their WORK schedules.

Three weeks 'til I get home, the disappointment of today brought it home early.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Almost July

1) Boys Birthday was great - if not handled with the parade and hoopla I expected.  I think C. is burning out - The (single) parenting, the picking your spots, is leading to picking less spots.  I asked about S. and D's friend parties and got a blank stare - Had the grand parents over, and that was it.
2) C. Birthday was (missed by me) 10 days later but I had sent presents ahead - and the boys worked it out.
3) The roof on the garage got done - Umpa was a big help, we actually got a building permit! S. was great, picked thinks up as we went - It was so amazing to see the difference from the fall when we tarped the leaky side, to jumping around with the nail gun and a bundle of shingles.  D. was great whenever he got in gear - and N. was fun, and a 9yo worth of help.
4) Came home for Graduation for S. two weeks later.  The Warner is pretty but seems to be too small for that many grads families, but it is cool to walk around main st. afterword with it blocked off.  S. came though with tix for both sets of GP's.  Again I expected parties and hangin' out for the grad's but I guess it gets short circuited by project graduation.
5) Tried to fly back to work Monday afternoon - and was told I wouldn't make my connection, and was re-scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  Bonus night at home! Tuesday evening I got to Midway Chicago - and all flights west were cancelled - spent two hours in line, was told no housing was available and the best flight I found (by calling Southwest in line) was 6pm Wednesday.  This airport has no free wifi or outlets.  So I spent the next two hours looking for a room - Booked a room through Kayak and expedia, and called for a shuttle and they said they had no rooms!  Called Expedia and they made it right - found a slightly skeevy hotel with a nice bed, and a shuttle.  Discovered Village Inn and Bakers Square are the same restaurant the next morning. Spent the afternoon at the airport eating Chicago Mix and thinking of my Target friends...  Never did receive a call from SW about either issue, so we need to have a talk.  Really wish US Air or Delta had competitive rates to/from Denver.
6) That of course meant I only worked two days this week.  But we should be ok.
7) Kevin and Cami have postponed their return to Moz. until August - He had talked of coming out to see me and Roy, possibly with Umpa.  I think those resources have been used up though.  Maybe the canoeing is back on though, I've heard nothing so far, though.
8) Work is busy, and I'm still scheduled through August, first week.
9) I have flights home for this weekend! And for Two weeks later (Umpa's Birthday).

Sunday, May 8, 2011

One more week - until home.

It's Mothers Day today - And I've failed to be there for them.  But next weekend is Birthday weekend! Steve's and Dave's.  We'll also work on the Camper and setup for the roofing of the Big Garage, It really needs it.  I can't wait, because of the dates of Easter - I went three weeks prior to it, and this is also a three week stretch.

Drove up into the Mountains yesterday, Boulder to Lyons, to Estes Park (artsy village, absolutely packed with shoppers) to Nederland (old mining, artsy town) Outside the mining museum was a digger, that had built the panama canal and looked like the this: Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel.  Then I took the Boulder canyon road back down, out of the hills.  I forgot my camera - so these are with my phone, and yes those where Elk downtown in Estes Park..

 Another of the consultants at work had here last day Friday, not sure of the circumstances.  As it stands, I'm there through July.  The third person from my consulting company's last day is this Friday, but his gig was three months, so not a huge surprise.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A long weekend...

One more workweek and I get to go home for Easter.  S. is at Gettysburg for what I think is his last Scout trip as a Boy - D. passed his Star BOR, should have been there for both.

Need to firm up the plan for the roofing, along with the multitude of parties over May and June.  Walked around on the the Red Rocks Trails again - Mile and a half, and it kicks my but - I've decided hiking should not include stairs. I hoped it would have gotten greener - not so much yet.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A long stretch

Not going home until Easter  - So 2 weekends and 3 weeks here.

It would have been my Nanna's birthdays this week.

And that Job, at Ct Rivers Council? To Cub Scout Camp/Cub Scout Program Director? I called to see if they had everything they needed - and was told it had already been filled internally.  Spent 2 weeks trying not to get too excited, or my hopes up - problem solved.

Motorcycle is for sale- need one?  Trying to work with Umpa to be prepared to do roof of garage, maybe memorial weekend.

Want to borrow the RV?  Kevin has it booked for the end of June, and Cindy and the guys are supposed to come out end of July/beginning of August.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Approaching April fools....

1 - The job is available, the one in Scouts I've always wanted - in the past we've talked about being the local District Executive, which would be great.  But now it's the guy I used to report to for Cub Camps - he does Cub programs and Cub camps! And I got a call that "I'd be a good fit" and send them a resume to talk over...

2 - Steve's Eagle project is moving along - and Joe B. got his Eagle Sunday!

3 - Home this weekend!

4 - Scheduling my trips home for April and May - The latter will be a busy month, and we'd like to schedule the  repairs of the Garage (and demolish the other garage).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost St. Patricks

1) Happy Birthday to Great Nanna and Great Aunt Ethel - 124 years ago.
2) Home next weekend - But arriving very late Friday night/Saturday morning - and leaving early Monday.
3) S. got his acceptance letter from UCONN, his first choice - Funding is still a matter of prayer.
4) Taxes done.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

a snowy weekend in Col.

One more weekend in Col. - Going home next weekend, Thursday night through Monday afternoon.  Work is going very well - lots of coding to do, but it is very similar to much of the work I did with RJ (surprise, since RJ owns a copy of the same code).  Very busy days - but a lonely time.  I think the Mazda needs struts all the way around - but it will have to wait a while.  The Durango back home has issues as well - I think it's a sensor problem, but it had to wait until my first check from this job shows up.  Oh, well.....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Presidents Day

So, I've worked two weeks at my new job - and moved to the closer Extended Stay Hotel.  Work has no Cafe, so it's cheaper, since I brought in some bagels, and Oatmeal.  Place is smaller than I thought it'd be, probably only 40 or so people in the office.  One of the consultants they brought on board was a RJ briefly while I was there.  We figured out that one of the contractors that they've had for a while had worked at NASDAQ for Swiggy.  And the Sungard lady met Santino for lunch prior to leaving for Denver.  The world gets smaller.  It's still a bit too big for me.

Went to church with Ben and Genny Fullerton (and her sister Adriane) last night.  It was about 25 minutes north at - It was pretty loud and I didn't recognize the worship music - but it was very well performed.  The young pastor was very good - but was a subject I didn't want to hear - they are covering Jonah - and if there is one thing I do NOT want to hear about - That God would send someone away, to save an unappreciative and unhelpful people.

S. is awaiting word from UCONN, and C. her PRAXIS results. N. is playing Hoop this year, and placed 2nd in the pinewood derby. D. and S. are working backstage in a High School production.  Was home last week  - Bunga flew me home, since Kevin was back from Hawaii, and Tuan had driven to Ct. so we could see the twins, Abby and Hailey.  Pictures were taken, at church.  We visited the Torrington Fall Festival, and the Men went bowling that night - It was fun, and once we got there we realized Umpa wasn't particuarly equipped for bowling anymore either.

I can't afford to be home again until 3/3 - 3/7 - by then the new paychecks will appear, and it will be a little easier.  

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stage V - another first day

Went to the new job today - was surprised (an ridiculously flattered) to have a real cube, not sharing one, or sitting in a hutch by a window.  It's 11 miles from the hotel to the office but takes 1/2 an hour to drive it.  I need to look around for a cheaper, closer housing.

Yet another snowstorm tomorrow has C. worried about me driving her to the airport. 

I heard that someone who hadn't worked out at my previous job was going to start here, and was concerned...Hopefully he won't turn up. Everyone I met new Joe B. (who is now at RJ) and some knew Bill S. (and nodded knowingly when I said "What a character" ).  Work is doable...  Can't tell you how much I dread beginning again, being alone again.  And the time change is going to mess with me every time I go home.

Stage IVb - Trip redux

The rest of the trip was less eventful - We went from Pa. to the other side of St. Louis, Mo.  And the next night was from there to Burlington, Co.  As we realized we couldn't make Denver that night.  Then we climbed from there to the Extended Stay Suites in Lakewood.  And watched the Super Bowl from an area Buffalo Wild Wings - It was not as good as going to the one in Clearwater.

Stage IVa - Trip Redux

So after finally finding (1) one snow tire, and an oil change, emissions test and front brakes (calipers and rotors)  - we were finally off at 9am.  We made it to the Litchfield exit off of Rte. 8 - car wouldn't go above 50 miles an hour, ice chunks stuck in the wheel wells - we went back to town so it could fall out and then took off again for the West.  Made it through NY and into Pa. passing Matamoros and climbing  when I watched the tractor trailer in front of me bounce as it passed over the edge of a bridge - the car didn't bounce - it bent the front left rim and bubbled the (new) rear tire.  Spent the next 4 hours slowly driving through the hills of western Pa.  a Tire store fixed the spare and had an all season tire.  But I was still down a wheel...I hit about 4 more shops before calling  Kelly Mazda - who said "We might have one of those in the basement."  I'm always fans of stores that have basements, or "stuff out back."  They had a steel rim, and went out to a neighborhood tire shop for another tire after 4pm - and paired up the remaining snows on the front.  On the road, for less than $200!  We made it to Clarion, Pa. first night about 3-4 hours off our original estimate.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stage III - off to Colorado.

Tomorrow morning (amid at 2 hour delay for Torrington Schools) we shove off for Colorado.  We have morning coverage to get N. off to school - and the guys are watching the Super Bowl at Grandma's.  Saturday is the Winter Festival, so they will be at First Congregational for a while.

We will drive straight to Wheat Ridge, Col. for me to start my new contract Monday morning.  A Strange thing happened earlier this week a local headhunter called with a contract here in Windsor.  It was to be a business analyst for the system I was responsible for at NASDAQ for all those years, ACES.  I was the Subject Matter Expert for years - even now, they've migrated the application from Tandem to Java based PC clusters.  It is just a contract at this point, so I had to go with my word to the job with an opportunity.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stage IIa - In Ct.

1 - Car now has replaced the missing snow tire, and has four on it.  An oil change, emissions test and front end alignment later - it is as ready as ever for rolling to Colorado on Thursday.
2 - Having weather concerns now - as we try to drive the 30 hours from Thursday morning to Saturday night.  So I can start work Monday morning.
3 - Prayers for the Boys while Mom is driving with me - We have the same N. morning coverage as last time...but still, it's a worry.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stage II - In Ct.

Umpa flew down to join me for the RV ride back to Ct. - We mounted the car on the Dolly, prep the RV and hit the road.  We make out about an hour - then someone drove by and made frantic hand motions, we'd blown one of the tires on the dolly.  We stopped and I dismounted the car - and drove on to the next exit.  There was a Wal-Mart in front of a big RV park.  They had a big automotive section with a whole section of Trailer tires - but they were a full size bigger than the blown one.  So I bought 2 - on rims and went back.  Amazingly it only took 45 minutes to be back on the road.  We made it through Florida and Georgia, and stopped at a Wal-mart to sleep about midnight.. We forgot to leave the ignition or the generator on so it would run the furnace (until about 3am) so it was chilly .  Up at 8, check the dolly, winter treated the water system and off we went.  Turns out we passed pretty close to West End (Hi, Uncle Ronnie, Hi Aunt Joanie)  - and then on to DC (Hi, Aunt Dawn) and made it into New Jersey. Found another Wal-mart - ran the generator and Furnace for the night - and was home in Ct by 12:30.

All is well - but snow is deep.  N. is upset I am stealing Mom away for Stage III.  Pastor Darr has allowed me to stash the Camper in the Church lot for a few days, until the driveway improves.  Still need to get a snow tire for the Mazda - They are an odd size and don't seem to be carried any more.

Nervous - hate making yet another fresh start and first impression.  And realizing the I'll be even further away, the time changes (and altitude) will drive that home.

And there are always extra expenses in starting up in a new place - that is stressful as well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stage 1 - Out of Florida

Back at work in Florida (with the 50 and 60 degree weather). Busy, wrapping up my work.  Need to get the RV out on the road - which means packing up the various hoses and wires and disassembling the Direct TV.  Then a road test and oil change.  The car also needs an oil change, and the brakes from Mieneke need replacing again.

More to Follow...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MLK Update

So the offer to contract in Florida took a while, and I got an offer for the job in Colorado - It is a contract to hire, and the rate is significantly higher than my current contract or the other Florida contract.  I ended up taking it.  So I need to work out how to get there - with a car with snow tires, and the camper stored somewhere.  By 2/7.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Flying home this weekend.
Concerning work: Still done with RJ end of month.  Have contract in hand for job at JPMorgan Chase, across the bay in Brandon.  Job looks ok - but Contract Firm says they don't offer a straight per diem.  This is a huge deal as it impacted my taxable income, and would result in actually less money than the stated rate.  Had second interview with a company in Colorado - they have some contract to permanent positions available, and would pay substantially more.  And are through the same contract firm I work through today.  We'll see how these play out - I hate this stuff.  Neither job gets me home, or even in New England - But I need to buy the ramen and pay the cable bill.  I am so frustrated by the attitudes back home, working so hard not to be as angry when I get home.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New News...

1- It was a great blessing to be home for the whole of Christmas week, and once the rush of arrival past, there were vivid reminders of broken dynamics within the family...Of discipline, of teamwork, of normalcy...Chasing down young men and their needful.
2- Told RayJay my last day will be 1/28 - and I will start my new contract at JP Morgan Chase the next week.  I will need to move from Vacation Village in Largo to an RV park closer to Brandon (on the other side of Tampa, near the state fairgrounds).