Thursday, August 18, 2011


Been home a week now - It's been generally great.  S.'s graduation party went off without a hitch.  Working on the car, since I never get the chance when it (and I) are out of town on a contract.

Had second interview with the local company, and it went great, I think!  Hope to hear something wonderful next week...If not the I will interview for contracts in Delaware, and maybe Houston or Minnesota.

Will celebrate Kevin's birthday this weekend. D. starts Aventura team meetings tomorrow.  Our Exchange students leave for home Monday, as does Kevin and his family - they return to Moz. for another 4-5 years.  It's been great having them here for the last year...

Will have a series of hard, but great adjustments if I'm home for good - and S. is looking for a decent first car - any leads?

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