Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It was good. Beachers in St. Augustine was nice, could see the ocean right out the windows, opened Christmas presents under my lame palm Christmas tree in my parents room – got some books. Setup the Wii in my bedroom at the hotel – and we sang and played lego rock band on our new guitar hero band set for hours. Then played sports resort – mostly watching the boys fly around and around the island ( a little like the sortie of pelicans that pass the balcony ever hour or so). Boys jumped in the heated pool – and then we took the Durango out on the beach – No one told N. that the ocean was cold so he played in it for probably 45 minutes, amazing. Dinner was at a snooty restaurant down the shore at a nice country club, good food – N. had chicken tenders there as well.

Saturday we walked through old St. Augustine – parking was a pain, but it was cute cobblestoned streets, little shops – we tried alligator tail, and toured the castle, then rode the Ripley train trough town. It was chilly and when we got close to the minigolf place (free with train tix!) we jumped off and played a round S. started with a hole in one and N. was winning after the first nine holes – but I stormed back to be the gracious winner. We eat at Sonny’s BBQ which was ok, S. liked it, it was all you could eat. Back to the rooms to pack the cars.

Bunga and Umpa also provided a day at one of the theme parks – and I debated where to go for a while. Busch Gardens was closest to our final destination Tampa/Largo – but we’d need to drive 4 hours to reach it the try and get our money’s worth from tickets – We looked for someplace where we could see alligators, maybe a airboat ride or Orlando. It was decided to go back to the Magic Kingdom – since N. didn’t remember it and we would be sure to hit the high points since we knew our way around. It was a crowded, and wet day, but we arrived (steamship) to see the 11:00 parade, then Swiss Family Robinsons tree house – the went through the new pirates of the Caribbean ride. Lunch in Pecos Bills was a fiasco , not enough tables. We then wandered toward tomorrowland – which is where we ended our day around 8pm. Dropped my parents at the hotel near the airport and then off to the camper.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Travels

C. and the boys are in Pa. step one of their trip south. Bunga and Umpa arrive tomorrow night, and we all gather in St. Augustine Thursday afternoon. Presents are wrapped, Chex mix (Dad Style) is made (and half eaten).

Work is fine - taking forever to get the project going, I have some busywork which is better than sitting trying to look busy.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Potential visit

Started Christmas shopping today- figuring it's easy to hide things 1300 miles away. Ironically I discovered my flights to Ct. for either 12/10 or 12/17 - would be over $300. But if reversed, C. could get down here for like $230... Now it's a matter of figuring out if we can get coverage for Logan, S. will be at Camp Workcoeman - but the boys would need someone to get them off to school Monday and Tuesday...

We'll see.