Monday, April 18, 2011

A long weekend...

One more workweek and I get to go home for Easter.  S. is at Gettysburg for what I think is his last Scout trip as a Boy - D. passed his Star BOR, should have been there for both.

Need to firm up the plan for the roofing, along with the multitude of parties over May and June.  Walked around on the the Red Rocks Trails again - Mile and a half, and it kicks my but - I've decided hiking should not include stairs. I hoped it would have gotten greener - not so much yet.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A long stretch

Not going home until Easter  - So 2 weekends and 3 weeks here.

It would have been my Nanna's birthdays this week.

And that Job, at Ct Rivers Council? To Cub Scout Camp/Cub Scout Program Director? I called to see if they had everything they needed - and was told it had already been filled internally.  Spent 2 weeks trying not to get too excited, or my hopes up - problem solved.

Motorcycle is for sale- need one?  Trying to work with Umpa to be prepared to do roof of garage, maybe memorial weekend.

Want to borrow the RV?  Kevin has it booked for the end of June, and Cindy and the guys are supposed to come out end of July/beginning of August.