Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Weekend Home

Arrived Friday noontime - Had lunch with Tuan, his new fiancee and her daughter. Bunga is charmed by the 3 'almost 4' year old. Got my license in Ct. - but they wouldn't carry over my motorcycle endorsement.

Dropped S. for a campover at Camp Barbour with the Troop - and my dog took off - I spent an hour walking the streets, watching backyard motion sensors go off, finally he surrendered. Had a good lunch Saturday with M & J - It was good to see them together, and we learned D'Angelos is closing this weekend. Visited the troop in Norfolk, lots of burning, Men have a nice looking new tent.

Went to Praise Fellowship, it was comfortable - so many familiar faces, But hearing Swiggys voice in my own - made me dusty.... We've sung together for so long, so many times...

Prayers for Tuan's Dad - Diep, creator of the skyball serve, as he reaches the end of his struggle with ALS.

Monday, January 18, 2010


So work has changed, in that I was given more work since the project I was hired to work on hasn't really started. I caught up with J. Boyington by phone, He sounds (as always) the same. I teased him about his baloney and apple butter sandwiches. Spoke to Kevin and Cami as well this weekend - It was good to hear from them, and talk about seeing them this summer.

I fly home to Ct. this weekend and bummer - Dr. B will be opening his Condo in SC the whole time I'm home. S. will be camping a Barbour this weekend as well. I spoke to the local Boy Scout District this week and will be taking the commissioners class in a couple of weeks. I went to St. Paul's Methodist Church last Sunday, meant to try the contemporary service, and went to the traditional service - I will try again in two weeks.