Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to Florida

Thanksgiving is over - Went to C.'s family for Thanksgiving. It's interesting how that dynamic has changed over the last 25 years, It was the cousin's kids (pre teen) at first, now those three have about 8 kids between them (blended families). Saturday, instead of going out to Winsted (no power) - my parents came here, with turkey and ham, it was a good day, although I didn't find Kevin online. C. went to her 25th reunion at the Elks in the evening, she had a good time - I spent the evening with the boys. Church was ok on Sunday, the god thing is it does feel like home - and I saw the betrothed Jaimee and Mike! Scooter came over and hung out in the afternoon - and when I dropped of D. for his MYF thanksgiving dinner, went out with Scott, and was reminded that although we're peers, his grandpa stuff is something I'm glad not to deal with yet!

Going to stop and get a tooth looked at, and then grandma will drive me to the airport.

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