Monday, January 10, 2011


Flying home this weekend.
Concerning work: Still done with RJ end of month.  Have contract in hand for job at JPMorgan Chase, across the bay in Brandon.  Job looks ok - but Contract Firm says they don't offer a straight per diem.  This is a huge deal as it impacted my taxable income, and would result in actually less money than the stated rate.  Had second interview with a company in Colorado - they have some contract to permanent positions available, and would pay substantially more.  And are through the same contract firm I work through today.  We'll see how these play out - I hate this stuff.  Neither job gets me home, or even in New England - But I need to buy the ramen and pay the cable bill.  I am so frustrated by the attitudes back home, working so hard not to be as angry when I get home.

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