Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter - Good to be home

Went to Bristol, to the closest Disc (Frisbee) Golf course - The boys are all improved since the last time we played, in Minn.  The course was up and down hills, across a brook (numerous times) all over.  I would say we'd be back, we don't mind mud, but the broken glass was disconcerting.  Realized D. had a summit seekers reunion tonight, last minute- grabbed the guitar and surprise, S. came along! But he didn't want to stay...By the time we got to Bakerville the singing was over - we sang "Alle-alle-oxen free"  Then on my way out I slipped into the sanctuary, and felt sad, a bit ashamed that I wasn't standing in, in it's time of need, that I should be there to help fix whatever it is.  But that's not fair - as a family man, I need to see their needs met.

When D. called I drove back - spoke to Pastor George, Sandy and Scott... They also felt my wish that S. would've felt like staying.  And out in the parking lot afterward, Scott and I were talking (We've spent SO Much time over the years, VB, TD..) in parking lots... And pastor George came out and said "Do you guys know where home is?" OW! 
I said "Here! and if we talk about it any more, I'll start crying"

But I did anyway - Scott gave me a minute, he as much as anyone can understand how home that is...

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